Big Picture Tutoring Blog
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Big Picture Tutoring Blog

See things differently

“How to use quotes in an essay”
You’ve probably been told by your teachers that you need to include quotes in your essays, but do you know how to do it right?

Take the Stress Out of Choosing Your VCE Subjects with this 5 Step Plan
Choosing the subjects you want to do in Year 11 and 12 can be super stressful. It can seem like you need to work out your whole future and know what career you want, but you really don’t! It’s actually pretty simple when you break it down.

Become a Superstar at Simplifying Fractions – In Seconds
Do you get a bit lost simplifying fractions? Not sure where to start, or when to stop? This post will teach you how to easily simplify ANY fraction – includes a free download!

Introducing: Ginger Cat Counselling
Dealing with some challenges in life? Ginger Cat Counselling offers affordable and convenient online counselling for adults and teenagers.

The Essay Map: Bringing It All Together
We’ve done all the parts, so let’s bring it all together and create the essay map. Download your own template and get started!

Planning to Win: Essay Maps Part III
So now we’ve worked out our arguments, how do you get from that to a full paragraph? It’s actually pretty simple – this post shows you how.

4 Tricks for Finding Factors FAST
Factors are really useful in maths, you need to find them A LOT. Students who can’t do it quickly often find their maths homework takes them ages – this post shows you how to super-speed things up.

One ESSENTIAL tip for Year 12 (and every other year)
Is it too soon for a pandemic toilet paper reference? There’s something as essential as toilet paper that most students don’t think to do, until something goes horribly wrong.

Planning to Win: Essay Maps Part II
Ever talked your parents into letting you do something you want to do, like going to a party? Those skills will help you write a great essay plan.

Planning to Win: Essay Maps Part I
Do you ever get overwhelmed when writing an essay, wandering all over the place and not sure what the point is? With an essay map you’ll never be lost again.

Choose Your Own Online Learning Adventure
How’s online learning been going for you? We’ve put together some (free) resources you might like if you’re loving learning independently and want to go further, if you aren’t getting enough work from your school, or you’re just straight up bored out of your mind.

How to Start Writing an Essay
Looking at an essay topic and have no idea what to write? This post shows you a reliable way to beat the brain freeze, and start saying what you think.

How to Not Get Messed Up by Criticism
Good feedback is vital for learning, but unhelpful feedback can mess up your head. How can you tell the difference? This post shows you how to make the most out of criticism.

How to Get Started Solving Difficult Problems
Looking at a complicated maths problem is enough to make anyone’s brain freeze, but you don’t have to stay stuck. This post helps you with the hardest part – getting started.

How to Pick the RIGHT Essay Topic in 3 Easy Steps
Picking the wrong essay topic can make writing a good essay extremely difficult. Luckily most of the time picking a good essay topic is simple and easy – watch this video to see how!

Bad Arguments
How can you tell if you should be persuaded by something you’re reading? Knowing how to spot a bad argument is a good start.

How to Start Not Sucking at Maths
So now that you know that it’s possible to get better at maths – even if you think you really suck – how do you get started? This video walks you through the 2 things you need to do.

Why You Think You Suck at Maths, But You Probably Don’t
Why do people seem to struggle with maths more than other subjects? This video explains why it might not be you, it might be the maths – and why that means you can get better at maths.

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