Online tutoring and mentoring for high school students

Why You Think You Suck at Maths, But You Probably Don’t

Why do people seem to struggle with maths more than other subjects? This video explains why it might not be you, it might be the maths – and why that means you can get better at maths.
This is Part 1 of 3 in the series How to Not Suck at Maths
Next Post: How to Start Not Sucking at Maths >>

Maths is hard because if you don’t understand one bit, you just can’t understand the next bit.  What often tends to happen for students is that they don’t understand one thing that they’re doing in class – for example multiplying fractions – and this means that they can’t understand the next thing that’s taught, and then the next thing.  It doesn’t mean they’re stupid, or that they’re bad at maths, it just means that they didn’t understand that one thing.

Unfortunately if they don’t catch up the problem snowballs really easily.  They get further and further behind, they lose confidence and stop trying in class, and pretty soon they’re convinced that either maths sucks or they do.

BUT there is some good news about this. Maths is actually one of the easiest subjects to improve at, and with a bit of help most people can – you just need to break it down into the right pieces.  See our next post for how to get started!

Maths is hard because if you don’t understand one bit, you just can’t understand the next bit.  What often tends to happen for students is that they don’t understand one thing that they’re doing in class – for example multiplying fractions – and this means that they can’t understand the next thing that’s taught, and then the next thing.  It doesn’t mean they’re stupid, or that they’re bad at maths, it just means that they didn’t understand that one thing.

Unfortunately if they don’t catch up the problem snowballs really easily.  They get further and further behind, they lose confidence and stop trying in class, and pretty soon they’re convinced that either maths sucks or they do.

BUT there is some good news about this. Maths is actually one of the easiest subjects to improve at, and with a bit of help most people can – you just need to break it down into the right pieces.  See our next post for how to get started!

Next Post: How to Start Not Sucking at Maths >>